It's been a while since I've written a "news-y" post.
What's new?
I just started another term of school. I know, I'm crazy. This is only 7 or 8 weeks long, though. I'm just taking 2.5 classes, but since it's the same work load in half the time, it's a lot of work. I'm also working quite a bit, so I'll definitely be busy until the 2nd week of June. I'm taking Persuasive Writing, New Testament, and Zumba. Yes, Zumba is a class. It's the best thing to ever happen to me.
Side note: Part of my New Testament class requires me to write a little post about what I learned and felt after each class period. I have to share it with someone, so I've created another blog where I'll be posting those. If you'd like to read them, they'll be uploaded to
this blog, hopefully every Monday and Wednesday... but lets be honest, it will probably be both posts on Friday or Saturday. Possibly even Sunday. I'm not very good at keeping up on things. We all know this.
Now, because I haven't really posted anything of interest in a long, long time, here's what's been happening lately!
- I went to the Holi Festival of Colors in Spanish Fork with some of my friends. It's a total cliche Utah County Mormon thing to do, but I had to do it once. It's the largest Hindu festival outside of India, and a really cool experience. However, it's kind of comical because there are far, far, far, more Mormons there than Hindus. But awesome nonetheless.
Before |
After |

Dani threw some of the chalk directly up my nose at one point. I swear to you, I was sneezing orange for days. Also our shower is still slightly purple.
- Andy Grammer came to BYU! The picture quality is terrible, but the concert was an absolute blast, and only $5. Andy is an absolutely incredible performer and it was definitely one of the best concerts I've ever been to. My favorite part was his absolute amazement while singing a cover of Thrift Shop by Macklemore when we all sang "this is freaking awesome" instead of a swear word. He was so surprised he actually stopped singing. It was pretty hysterical.
- We got a new roommate! One of my old friends from my EFY days, Dani, who I went to the Festival of Colors with, just moved to Provo for the summer and moved in with me! It's been an absolute blast to have her here!
- One of my favorite friends ever, Jensen, came to visit! We met in a class last fall, but then he moved to Hawaii and ditched me here in Utah. I've missed him a whole lot, so spending the day with him was a dream come true.
we took a bunch of pictures on my webcam, and this was the most normal one. That's embarrassing. |
- The weather has been (mostly) beautiful lately, so after church today we went on a picnic! We only lasted about 40 minutes before we decided we were too hot, but it was nice to be outside!
I think that's about it! I hope you all have a blessed week. Keep on keepin' on.